About Me

Welcome to Jo Blogs Jo Bakes (of course just “Jo Blogs” was taken by the time I figured out what on earth a “weblog” was).  This is the blog of a girl and her love of creating in the kitchen.  A lot of cake was eaten in the creation of this blog.  Plenty of “real food” for Hungry Hubby was snaffled too, so fear not those without a sweet tooth.

Aged 5 all I wanted to be was a paleontologist.


Aged 12 I begged to be allowed to go to ballet school.  I never got there.


Aged 16 I pleaded to do a fifth A-level in Art.  My bloo-meanie teachers said no.  I doodled the rest of my teens away.

Aged 17 a friend suggested “dentistry seems a nice job”.  So I became one.

Aged 18 I realised there was more to dentistry than just teeth.  The soft tissues were far more exciting as were the diseases which affected them.  A vocation beckoned.

Aged 23 I got a job as “just a dentist”.  Drilling and filling was not for me.  So I got myself a job in a hospital.  And that is where I stayed.


Aged 24 I got my crayons out once more and got myself an Art A-level in my spare time.  Such that it was.  I drew the artwork for my blog.


Aged 27 I went to medical school.  I baked a lot of cakes.  I won a few friends and influenced a few people with them.  (Apart from the time I dropped a pan of cupcakes on a consultant’s shiny shoes and crisply pressed trousers.  That isn’t on my CV).

Aged 29 I married my darling Hungry Hubby.  I wore a gown that cascaded to the floor from snow white to the palest pink and made a 7 tier tower of amaretto cupcakes which mirrored my gown.


Aged 31 I became a doctor.  The acute medical madness peaked. One more year hurtling through the dark tunnel towards the faint glimmer of light that would be The Dream Job that felt far longer than the 13 years leading to it.  I ate cake on those dark days.


Aged 32 it all fell into place.  I felt that distant tunnel glow as warm and intense as the Caribbean sun on my shoulders as I emerged through to the other side.  The Dream Job was mine.  We packed up our bags and moved to a town more a collection of villages than the Big City me and my stiletto collection were accustomed to.  I bought wellies.
IMG_2461Hungry Hubby found us our beautiful home.  We call it the Apple Chapel.  We created a cake together in it’s honour.


And that’s where we are today.  Happily (appley?) ever after in our Apple Chapel.  Who knows what adventures await us now.


Medics are told they must work hard but play harder to preserve a sense of sanity in their lives – this is the vanilla scented, butter smudged, flour-powdered side to my psyche. I welcome you to my world 😀

73 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Your blog is a breath of fresh air Jo it really is…. many times i find myself here without even thinking about it…. keep up the great work x


    • Oh Em, your that is all I could ever want from people who read my blog – thank you so much! I have a tear in my eye :’). I’m so glad you enjoy it so much MWAH XXX


    • Aw, hunny – thank you so much. It means such a lot that people enjoy reading my little blog, it really warms my heart and I love having you participate in it 🙂


  2. My goodness, I’ve never heard of oral medicine, but that’s an awesome goal and quite ambitious. Way to be! Your blog really is so beautiful.


    • We (the oral med community!) are a small, hard core group whom are slightly masochistic methinks in spending at least 10 years at university and at least 3 years working junior jobs before we can even START the training for it! I do love it though, be it only what I do not who I am. This blog is who I am and I’m beyond delighted that you think it beautiful Ellen, thank you very much indeed xx


  3. Grace
    Just saw your blog for the first time and I love how open and fresh it is. I also think you´re such an achiever for the studying you´ve done to reach your goals!!! Oh yeah, I adore your cakes!!!!!! Go girl!!!!


    • Thank you Grace and lovely to see you over here. I don’t think of myself as an achiever so much as I think of myself as a glutton for punishment! And cake 😉


  4. Hi Jodie, I was just wondering if you can give me some suggestions on what to serve with hummus? I’m hosting a little get together tonight & I’m stuck with pita bread to serve with it. I also have some feta cheese. What salad/veg go well with it? I’m vegetarian, but I eat fish. Hope you could help me – Carla, Neil’s colleague @ Workbank


    • Sorry I didn’t get back to you in time Carla but I worked late last night and came home with a migraine 😦 But all better now! Hope you had a brilliant party. Me and hubs love carrot sticks with hummus but celery and fresh peppers are great too. As for feta, I crumble it over roasted veg then return to the oven to melt it a bit. I usually use cumin, coriander, garlic and sometimes lemon juice/zest or za’atar (middle Eastern spice blend) on the veg first and it is absolutely delicious. I don’t eat feta raw as it’s a really strong taste but cooking it mellows it out nicely 🙂


  5. Hi I’m Prerrna, doctor+ food blogger from Mauritius! Nice to come across another member of the profession who shares the same love for food and blogging as me 😉


    • How lovely to meet you! I’ve a good doctor friend who is from Mauritius too – she’s got a GP job starting this year. What area do you work in? And what’s the link to your blog 🙂 x


  6. Hi Jo, I just came across your blog by chance today and I have just clicked that I ‘know’ you from Nigella.com – I was manic_mummy there. It seems such a long time ago now so it’s been nice to catch up with you and see what you have been up to. Congratulations on such a wonderful inspiring blog, I will definitely be trying some of the recipes soon. I am in the midst of just setting up a blog myself.



    • Oh Hello Louise! How the devil are you? It’s been nearly three years since our forum dissolved – can you believe it? Thank you for your kind words and lovely to “see” you xx


  7. Hello: I just saw your lovely blog and I love your pantry, it’s so organized and cute. Do you have additional photos.

    Thank you,



    • Thanks Yadira – it warms my heart it does 😀
      Come over to Facebook and find me there “Jo Blogs Jo Bakes” – I have tons and tons of photos of all things foodie including my kitchen on there. Would love to see you there x


  8. Hi Jo

    I am also a dentist with a new found passion for baking and was by chance I came across your blog while trying to find some new inspiring ideas. I am also trying to learn how to do this whole blog thing to be able to express my passion and you have given me some more inspiration! Really enjoyed reading your story- thanks


  9. Hi Jo
    I am also a dentist with a new found passion for baking and was by chance I came across your blog while trying to find some new inspiring ideas. I am also trying to learn how to do this whole blog thing to be able to express my passion and you have given me some more inspiration! Really enjoyed reading your story- thanks


  10. I loved the way you wrote about yourself! I’m also on “Zero to Hero” challenge 🙂


  11. I’m happy I decided to check out your blog. It’s awesome and it makes me feel slightly more sane. It’s an added plus that you love to bake and I’m trying to learn how to do just that. Also, I want to go into the medical field. I’m going to start out with nursing and go up from there. 😀 You got a follower out of me!


  12. I came by to see what you had written as I am trying to rewrite my page for the zero to hero challenge! Your page and blog look great! I am referring it to my own 32 year old daughter who has gone back to school to become a pastry chef! I think we will both love your blog!


  13. From Z2H: I love the pictures. Great improvement on just text, they punctuate it, and I particularly love the bit you drew. I am not sure about the second sentence: self-deprecation is fine, but I do not like it so early. By the time you got to dropping cakes on the consultant I felt I knew you a bit and the self-deprecation rounded off the picture a little- in the second sentence it is too overwhelming; though it is amazing to see a doctor self-deprecating.


    • Thank you Clare! I will have a rethink about the weblog comment (I think that’s the one you mean). I think most people who know “the real me” know I’m all about self-depreciating so it’s a hard habit to break 😉


  14. Pingback: Beneath A Reputation | Jo Blogs Jo Bakes

  15. love that you add the pictures to the recipe, it makes it much easier to follow along. I was looking for your post you mentioned for the zero to hero challenge today but I put in a search for that and nothing came up. Looked around instead. But I have no idea what you meant when you said you cut down on the text for the challenge (since I don’t know which one you did for it).


    • It’s the first post on the home page Jill at the moment which is always the top left. It reads like a book left to right, one line of images after another. That particular recipe is my chilli pasta with garlic butter prawns.


  16. Jo- I wanted to let you know that you have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. Participation is optional, but if you do want to participate here is the link to find out more:

    Feeling Encouraged 😀

    Congrats, and may you feel encouraged!


  17. Hi Jo, love your blog…..and your sense of humour, have tried a couple of your recipes and with success I might add.
    Keep up the good work…..Regards Paul.


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